Johan Kruger, the Chief Visionary Officer, Association Management Solutions shares how a committee can successfully function in a HOA
May 27, 2022 | Staff Reporter | South Africa | Community Management
Attending Committee meetings can be a very painful experience and especially those dysfunctional Committees meetings that are all talk and no action. The worst is probably the Chairperson who prefers the sound of his own voice for hours and hours and does not have much interest in the opinions and views of the other dedicated Committee members.
I have attended, participated and chaired my fair share of various Committee meetings over the last 30 years, and it never stops to amaze me how often we try to complicate and over analyse the workings of a committee. Spending a bit of time and energy on creating guidelines and agendas for the successful functioning of a Committee in an HOA will go a long way to improve the success of a Homeowners Association. The M100 course: The Essentials for Community Association Management by CAI, dedicates a full session on the roles, functions and guidelines for successful Committees.
For a committee to function successfully within a HOA, Committees should focus on the following points that will go a long to assist them to be successful:
A clear mandate, in writing, from the Board of Directors to the Committee and the Committee members should be reminded on a regular basis of this mandate. A resolution adopted by the Board of Directors appointing the Committee members and their names should be published by the HOA members in the beginning of the Committees tenure.
A Committee should consist of the Portfolio Director, the Estate Manager (Community Association Manager), responsible line Manager, support Staff, a minute taker, the Expert/Consultant in the field, the Service provider and Community members or volunteers. Healthy and robust debate should be allowed to reach consensus and forward the various options to the Directors in order to apply their minds in order to make informed decisions for the benefit of the Community they serve. Minutes with an action list should be circulated within 24 hours of the Committee meeting. These minutes should also circulate to the Directors and the HOA members on a regular basis.
Committees should also act as the breeding ground for next potential Directors and develop Staff, at their various levels, to ensure continuity and knowledge transfer. Experts/Consultants should depart with their knowledge during Committee meetings and use the opportunity to educate the staff and Service providers at the Committee meetings. Committee meetings are the engine room of a successful HOA.
Combining some of the Committees meetings on a regular basis should also be considered, as it could provide the platform for the various Committees to share knowledge and deliberate on the various options, before an informed decision is made.And most importantly, do not forget to thank the Committee members for their hard work and a game of golf , a meeting in an off site coffee shop, a voucher at the Club house restaurant or maybe a data voucher will go a very long way to recognise Committee members for their participation and hard work.