The event delivered an exceptional value with respect to learning and forming global peer networks.
June 28, 2022 | Staff Reporter | Spain | Community Management
The recently concluded IRECMS Madrid Masterclasses marked the first-ever international masterclasses organised by the IRECMS team. Presented by Watium & Grupo Visalia, the Masterclasses comprised of four power-packed sessions and two information talks, conducted by professional trainers and coaches, who are the best-of-the-best in the business.
The IRECMS Madrid Masterclass had a lineup of celebrated international and national professionals in the industry who shared their insights and expertise with the participants. The speakers included Pepe Gutierrez, CEO of Megafincas (Spain), Dawn Bauman Vice President of Community Associations Institute, (USA), Juan Carlos Alvarez, Founding Partner & CEO of Urbefincas (Spain), Francisco Martinez, Founding Partner & CEO of Fincas Cholo, S.L (Spain), Mario Tura de Marco, Founder, Administratore Evoluto (Italy), Michael Hurley, Director of Strata Title Management, Brisbane (Australia), Prof. Marta Fernández Martínez from the University of Havana (Cuba) and Prof. Jeevan D'Mello, CEO, Zenesis Corp (UAE).
Dawn Bauman Vice President of Community Associations Institute, said, “The event was so well organized. It was an honour to be here in Madrid and meet so many new friends. It is in such meetings we realise how many things we all have in common and can learn from sharing our experiences.”
The masterclass was a success. There was a packed house of participants gathered to discuss the various areas of real estate management and the industry's future.
Various themes that were discussed included Technology and CondoTech, Customer Experience for Real Estate Managers, the Importance of OKRs, Managers in High-Performance Properties; etc. All the sessions were well received by the attendees. The event also saw many known names in the industry attending including Pablo Abascal, President of Consejo General de Colegios Administradores de Fincas, AKA National Congress of Community Associations Managers, Spain, and Fabian Huguet the National Secretary.
Fran Martinez, Founder & CEO, Fincas Cholo, Spain, expressed his happiness on attending the sessions. “The sessions have been very interesting and informative. I am now looking forward to more such sessions,” he added.
IRECMS Masterclasses are carefully designed to cover the complete gamut for Real Estate Management Professionals i.e. Community, Facilities, Property, and Asset Management, specifically focusing on Operations, Finance, Technology, and Customer Service. With trainers and coaches who are reputed for their competence, expertise, experience, and insight, these masterclasses are a must-attend for any professional looking to gain an edge.
Here are some of the snapshots of the event.
Want to register for the next one? Head over to https://irecms.com/masterclasses/